President, Past President, President- Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer, External Advisor, Recorder & Four Executives
Executive Board, Two Delegates from Supporting Societies & The Honorary Members
Ad Hoc Committee
Education Committee
Scientific and Ethics Committee
Supporting Society Committee
Liaison Committee
Hosting Societies (HOS) are national supporting associations that support and present a country’s bid to host a WUWHS Congress. Those societies accepted not to organize their annual meeting during the WUWHS Congress’ year.
Co-hosting societies are international supporting associations that support and present a country’s bid to host a WUWHS Congress. Those societies accepted not to organize their annual meeting during the WUWHS Congress’ year.
Supporting Societies are international, supra-national or national associations, who are members of WUWHS as stated in the Association Charter or Bylaws, all of whom come together every four years during the World Congress of Wound Healing.. These Societies accept to share detailed information about the WUWHS Congress. That includes promotion of the formal WUWHS Congress through their internal channels, encouragement of their members to attend and also to help in the distribution of the call for abstracts and posters. In exchange, WUWHS adds the logos of these Societies on the WUWHS web site and banners part of the activities around a WUWHS Congress. The Supporting Societies are entitled to vote for the next WUWHS venue in the General Assembly meeting.
As a non-voting society (due to being above country allocation already filled by other supporting societies per country) all the societies in this category have the same rights and privileges as the Supporting Society group, apart from having voting rights in the General Assembly meeting.
Both Supporting and Non-Voting Societies who are part of WUWHS, may apply for special time and meeting space on the day set aside for that in the formal WUWHS congress to host their satellite meetings. The program of such a meeting will be included in the formal WUWHS Congress Scientific Program.